Saturday, May 31, 2014

It’s important to remain informed and proactive within our state government because decisions are made that affect every aspect in your life and your decisions making. On December 12, 2012 Governor Rick Snider signed a bill restricting the rules on abortion leading to 2/3 of abortion clinics in Michigan to close done. With these new restrictions on clinics were made this also changed the policies and practices procedures. This has made getting an abortion within the state of Michigan harder than ever since its legalization from the outcome of the decision made in the Supreme Court in regards to the Roe vs. Wade.
Gone are the days when a woman could walk in an abortion clinic and receive an abortion with no questions asked. President Obama and Governor Snyder have created laws that have changed our health care system in two dramatic yet different ways. The state of Michigan has always been open to the right of women over their bodies, however with changing times comes new laws restricting the abilities of clinics operating without oversight and restrictions. This new law according to the associated press changes the ways these clinics operate. The law requires facilities where at least 120 abortions are performed annually to get a license as a free-standing outpatient surgical facility. That would mean more inspections and higher costs for the clinics, and in some cases would require renovations. Every year these License clinics will have to agree to quarterly inspections at the expense of the clinic as well as apply for death certificates for every aborted fetus. This means that these clinics can no longer sell the disposal of fetuses to research labs, Hair Care Company’s and make up companies but either Cremate or burial of these documented remains.  The one exception of donating to the “stem cell” research labs that were legalized by voters in the ballot during the 2000 elections here in Michigan. Does this law indeed protect the women or is it an assault of abortions and the rights of women? Women must undergo many new steps before being granted an abortion Guidance counseling to determine whether or not the women is seeking abortion for legitimist reasoning or whether or not the women is being cohearsed or forced into the abortion ageist her own wishes. This will allow the councilors to inform women of alternative options as well as give clear guidance into the health risk to the women’s body or ability to have children in the future.
This as well gives the councilor a chance to inform the patient of the option to adoption. To the opponents of this bill it is seen as an attack on women’s right over their own bodies. In Roe Vs. Wade, The Court held that a woman's right to an abortion fell within the right to privacy protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. The decision gave a woman total autonomy over the pregnancy during the first trimester and defined different levels of state interest for the second and third trimesters. As a result, the laws of 46 states were affected by the Court's ruling.
So the second and third trimesters are left to the state to decide what they deemed appropriate. What this has done is provided a loop hole that just recently has been achieved by our very own state. Prolonging the procedure to reach the second trimester allowing the state to deny the abortion to the women. This has not been done yet however the rate of abortions has fell 30% since this law has hit the books according to the polls taken by the associated press.

          Does this law have legitimacy if it conflicts with the Affordable care act?

Although much controversy has risen since this law was enacting it does not violate the affordable care act. Because the law requires all women who want to have coverage to buy additional insurance for abortion alone/ alone with their current coverage. As of march 12, 2014 all coverage plans from privet or government health care plans will no longer cover abortions in compliance with the affordable care act. Leaving it up to the women to buy insurance by the following day to be within compliance with the state’s laws restricting abortion. If no insurance is purchase, no abortions can be performed, not even if you have cash to pay for the procedure. In a world of changing healthcare system, there must be revamping in all aspects of the field. In the minds of State legislators they deem this revamping appropriate. Gone are the days when a woman could walk in an abortion clinic and receiving an abortion with no questions asked.
Both the president and the governor of Michigan have taken dramatic steps in changing the health care system, even if they may not concur with each other’s ways of doing so. There are many new and yet controversial steps that must be taking in order to follow threw in receiving an abortion whether or whether or not the women agrees with the terms. The legitimacy of the State of Michigan’s overhaul and reform of the Abortion laws coincide and are legitimate with the presidents mandated and Supreme Court’s decision on the Affordable care act,
Better think about using protection, you may be denied an abortion and don’t forget to purchase your abortion Insurance.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

United States vs. Israel's political system and how they Differ from each other

The political system here in the United States, I'm sorry to say people is not the same around the world. The United states has a one of a kind governmental structure that is unlike any other country in the world. However their is one country that i bare in mind that you would not expect that is modeled after the united states. Give up you will never expect it, its Not Israel...Going once going twice OK I will tell you its MEXICO. And we have see

time and time again that it doesn't work correctly their and as we try not to think about is that it doesn't work here very well ether. Don't get me wrong and don't take that comment as unpatriotic, however take it as a word of advice and check into and do a little research  .

In the united states, Their is what is call a system of checks and balances to ensure that no one functional branch has more power then the other. This system of checks and balances were set up to avoid a monarchy from ever ruling over this "LAND OF THE FREE". The fathers of the constitution ( which details the authority's and powers of each branch) were scared of England Influence over the continental United States. They hated the way he treated his people, and the people occupying territory which at the time the united states was. Freedom of/from religion, freedom from political persecution, and freedom of speech were the main rights that these colonist  wanted. Moving to the issue of checks and balances, this system is proving to work ageist its creation, two branches have gained to much control and one other branch has fallen apart. The executive branch has became the second powerful branch. With EXECUTIVE ORDERS, the president can pretty much demand just about anything he wants without prior approval. The most powerful branch is the Judaical Branch. The supreme court can make decisions that cant be questioned. When they make a ruling, it stands and is not approved by congress or the president, it becomes law. How does this coincide with the system of checks and balances? t doesn't. The other point i want to make about the united states political system that just doesn't make sense is that the president is not only the Head of state but also the head of the Union (government), these two positions in other nations well in almost all other nation is filled by two people.
Im going to now get to the point of this entry, Israel Has the best form of government, and works the greatest for its people. I may have a bias opinion regarding this statement so i will lay the prof of the statement made. The political system is set up in a complex yet simplistic fashion. The government is set up as a hybread of a Parliament and religious led nation. Israel is a parliamentary democracy consisting of legislator, Executive and Judicial branches. Its institutions are the Presidency, the prime minister, the Knesset (parliament), the government (cabinet of ministers), and the judiciary. The system is based on the principle of separation of powers, in which the executive branch (the government) is subject to the confidence of the legislative branch (the Knesset) and the independence of the judiciary is guaranteed by law. This may sound similar to the same set up as the united states but it is not. Only in a diagram does it look the same because you see a president at the top as the head of State. However he has very little power much like the queen of England. He is a figure head of the government. The true power which is shared is the prime minister. The shared portion of this position is the religious factor with in this political office. All decisions much like a king or queen back in the times of King Henry the VIII for example is influenced by the religious advisory, in Israel referred to as the His Beloved Highest Rabbi.

Head of Government/Union is held by the Prime Minister, which throw out the short history of the nation has been an Ordained Rabbi, both Orthodox and Unorthodox. The Current Prime Minister is 
Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been a political strong head for Israel for a great may amount of years. His approval rating has remained at 96% and is loved by majority of his constituents. The best thing that the government of Israel has is a government re post. When the Knesset, prime minister cant agree on a budget the country automatically shuts down and a election is called to place new members in the Knesset who will push a budget threw and by default keep the position for the remaining amount of time of that term. I FEEL LIKE THIS TYPE OF GOVERNMENT RE POST WOULD WORK GREAT FOR THE UNITED STATES BECAUSE THEN THE GOVERNMENT WOULD WORK FOR ITS PEOPLE AND NOT BICKER ABOUT BULL SHIT. Such as Obama care. And this main feature alone makes the government of Israel a thousand times better then that of the united sates. Even though 1/3 of the budget comes from the united states. The 2/3 if interested come from two different places. 1/3 is paid from Germany a debt to the state of Israel so long as it exists for the actions during WWII and the treatment of Jews. And of course the other 1/3 comes from Taxes.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

May may say such presidents such as Andrew Jackson, Taff, Nixion, and or Bill Clinton were the worst presidents of all time however the worst president of all Time would be MR. OBAMA. I say MR. OBAMA becouse even thoe he was voted in ignorantly he is no were close to be worthy of the title President. Their comes a time when even the supporters of this spineless ignorant man need to sit back and take a moment to truly study his evel ways and intentions. He has like no other president before him, manage to turn our nation into a part time welfare dependent broke nation. Don't for a second pay attention to the fleeting thought to blame the wonderful and patriotic president before MR. OBAMA. The debt when President G.W.Bush left office was only $4.9 trillion. That is qeite a bit of debt however, sence President Obama took office Mr. Obama excieded $17 Trillion dollors.and climbing every day. Thats $12.1 Trillion Mr. Obama alone has added to the national debt. Thats not the only selfish deed this eval man has made every american live with or pay for eather. Ill take you back to his youth. Did you Know Mr. Obama applyed for finnachial aid as a forgin student and then denied he was a foringe student. As well do you rember when he fist annoced he be running for president? His wife addmited her distast for White people. His wife is a racist and they belonged to the largest White hating church in which the Reverand was once the head of the Black Panthors. As well i would like to infor you of some of the worst quats that came from his donky ass mouth.

1.“If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.
2.“The private sector is doing fine.”
3.“I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”
4. “I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
          5. “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now        been  in 57 states? I think one left to go.”
          6. “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed.” — on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people
7. “Making products we sell around the world, stamped with three proud words, ‘Made in the USA!’”
8. “I don’t believe it is possible to transcend race in this country. Race is a factor in this society. The legacy of Jim Crow and slavery has not gone away. It is not an accident that African-Americans experience high crime rates, are poor, and have less wealth. It is a direct result of our racial history.”
          9.“Let’s not play games. I was suggesting – you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith.”
          10.  “The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person…”

Some of these statements you have heard in the past 6 years, some of them you may have never heard. you can find more ignorent and unthought out comments at

Now i want to move on to the most contravesal issue Mr. Obama pushed threw in a dssrespectful manor. This issue outways any other decisions, execitive orders, and minipulations this man has made sence he unfortinently became president. I bet you guessed right-OBAMA CARE.
I will not go on a tantrent about this but i will infore you that he manipulated it all the way to the United States Supreem Court witch by the way has became way to powerful and really has brock the system of checks and balences. Obama care is not good. The cheepest plan or even the best plan that was offered on the exschange made a person have to pay in over $10,000 in bills before the insurance would even kick in and pay. Thats all on top of paying your monthly premume. Obama took the freedom of choice away from the american people and made use do what he thought was good for him. We are stedaly loosing our freedoms people!!!!! Wake up and fight this Ignorent selfish, smi-communist son of a hippy Bitch.
OBAMA CARE SPELT OUT and ITS TRUE NATURE a few good ones from the web that are a must read for ejoyment

Communists are red,
President Barack Hussein Obama (D) is black.
Impeach him--and his hacks--
To get freedom--and our health care--back.


Roses are red
Violets are blue
Obama's a liar
And so are you.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
OBAMACARE will leaveAmerica black 'n blue
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
5.5+ million have LOST their healthplans
and THAT is what's TRUE!
(Yes, that is very true.)
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
The uninsured may get healthcare,
But their health care will be paid for by me and you.

Roses are stinky
as they start to rot
I once had insurance
 and now I do not.

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
What's it gonna take
To get rid of you?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Today we live in a generation unlike any before. The same can not be said when talking about politics. People find this topic very boring, however to the few of us who breath and live the topic its all we think about. Sadly people don't put politics as a top priority and because of this very little involvement is the consequence. Their comes a time when everyone has their moment however. An event, a demand, a wish, a question that leads them into politics even if for a brief moment. I have always felt it importing to know the world in which i live. I hate when people complain about a law, or a turn out of who became their politician and/or governor or president. I often ask, "did you vote or did you talk to your local repetitiveness or senator?" and I swear 9-10 times their answer is "NO". If people want to bitch about political out comes then get your ass out their and be involved, or sit back go with the flow.

My interest in politics came at a very young age. I could remember my father or my grandmother talking about a candidate with a relative or to. Once someone made the mistake of admitting they voted for a Democratic candidate (Al Gore), and everyone got silent and just glared at him. And my Grandmother asked him to leave and stated " I didn't break my back in a labor camp or dealt with your fathers persistence at night time resulting in your existence for you to be a Democratic.

Democrats are nothing but whining lazy complainers". Seeing a family argument shaped my political views, and to this day i here the words of my grandmother every time I'm at that voting booth.Becoming an adult and seeing the truth and learning more and more about politics, i have seen exactly what my grandmother was expressing in regards to Demarcates.

I will worn all who read, I'm a Conservative who does on occasion lean slightly to the left on a few things however i am one sided and very passionate about politics and love expression my views and emotion about political events, topics, and candidates both internationally and nationally. That being said, i created this blog yes because it was required but most importunately because i want others to read and become just as passionate as i am, to enjoy the involvement, and let their voice be heard in the political arena!!!!
So keep your eyes glued and keep coming back to read my blog and involve your self within it, i will be covering some very interesting topics and you won't want to miss out on what i have to say.

OHH you just wait, plenty more were that came from...