Thursday, June 12, 2014


Obama, who we all know i find distasteful and argent, has traded not one but five top Taliban detainees for one American solder who deserted his duty's well in combat. Treason is the word of the week people. U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdah, is the name of this solder.
In war their is always casualty's were must accept. Im talking about five top official Taliban leaders who designed and planned out the September attack of 2001. This makes no sense. We fought this long expensive war and captured the masterminds of September 11th and we release them for a trader who is looking at crimes ageist his own nation. 
Obama has never spent one day at war or even served in the military. He does not have the Solder mentality to think of such decisions. A reason i feel that military service should be the criteria for presidency. He is an ignorant man a selfish man and a tyrant for making this decision. He didn't think how this would impact the emotions of the solders and the family's across the nation who lost family in this war. He didn't think of the billions upon trillions of dollars spent to finace this war and for what, nothing now. He didn't think of what the impact this has on our nations rep nor did he think of the future consequences of making this decision. He Doesn't think what so ever.
Another impotent fact that must be stated in regards to this switch, is the fact the president broke protocol, balance of power threw the system of checks and balances and didn't make anyone aware of the situation until after the fact. He is required by his own mandate to give congress 30 days notification before releasing any inmates at Gitmo. Congress then needs to vote and if the president is not satisfied with the out come it then proceeds to the Supreme Court of the nation. He bypassed this who procedure, discrediting the logistics of our government.

The Senate has promised after the election to examine charges ageist the president and vote to impeach him from office. If he is impeached from office he then is facing Imprisonment for violations and acts of terrorism as set forth by the Dept. of Homeland security.

The fact of the the matter is these men will go back to acts of war and violence as a strike back or for lack of better words revenge. The American should have been forgotten, he deserted his fellow solders how He declared to protect, and serve beside no matter the outcome. He was a Coward and deserved and still deserves to die. Acts of treason are only punishable by death, its the law as it should be. "A man that tuns his back on his nation turns his heart against himself"-FDR

Within two years, experts in the United Nations, and historical Experts agree, we will see a war unlike any we have ever seen before. A War Regarded as The New World Order. The Arab Spring, Conflict of China and Indian, Taliban/Al Kida and the return of their leaders is the wick upon the the candle of war. We are only awaiting the spark that ignites this massive war in the mists.And the president said he is ending the war in Afghanistan, however their is no end of war in the eyes of the Taliban and we just gave them the skills and the mastery back with these top leaders, Mullah Norullah Noori has already set up his cabinet!!!

A youtube post a must be watched:
GAYS AND MUSLIMS and nobody else his actions now prove it!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. just so you know, This has lead to what may be the next world war. America has sent 4 naval ships to Iraq. and Russia has sent 400,000 troops to Iraq because of the new war forming between the two sects of Islam. Im sure the Taliban will have some influence now that they have their top leaders back. Thanks a lot Obama, you ignorant fool. Should of left the trader over their now hes back and getting praise from people. LOOK AT THE MESSAGE YOU HAVE PRO TRADE OF OUR NATION TO OUR ENEMY.
